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[Old ISBN: 0-7864-1719-6] |
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Guestbook |
Nick Chandler |
Country: |
Date: Tue Oct 28, 2008 |
Comment: Mr. Jacobus,
My father is retiring from GM this week
and devoted 20 of his 30 years with GM to
the Fisherbody plant in West Mifflin PA.
I was trying to find a memorabilia stage
coach as a gift to him. Can you Help me
on where I might be able to locate such
a thing. I greatly appreciate you time and
Thank you, Nick Chandler
Susan Clark Pellman |
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Sep 13, 2008 |
Comment: Hey, John.
I have an idea for you to kick over in your
brain when you get a free moment. Ron and
I live in Sarasota, as does Ace Foggarty.
I would like to volunteer to host an exhibition/gathering
of the group for an upcoming time. There
are several possible venues, including the
Ringling School of Art, the Ringling Art
Museum, and the Sarasota Antique Car Museum.
This could be in two years or in five. I
think with all the old retired engineers,
designers, etc, that live down here, we
could draw a good crowd. Besides, who wouldn't
want to come to Florida for a few days in
the middle of winter?Let me know if you
think this could float. - Susan
Laura Wergin Comeau |
Country: Canada |
Date: Wed Aug 2008 20
12:36:32 2008 |
Comment: I am not
sure if you can direct me but I had
a great uncle Leo Gauthier who worked for
Body by Fisher in the 40s and 50s and am
trying to track down information regarding
that our family history tells that
he had a photographic memory and was frequently
sent on overseas trip and then did drawings
of what he saw for the government during
the WWII era while working for Fisher. He
was born in Two Rivers Wisconsin.
Address: Box 681 Marathon, Ontario, Canada
p0t 2e0; Phone: 807-229-2818
Steven Sullivan |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Aug 12 11:34:32
2008 |
Comment: I always
loved cars. Even as young as age 3, my dad
had taught me to name all the different
makes on the street as he drove. My first
effort earned an H.M. in '64, then First
Place in '65 at age 15. I'm still with the
Only now they're life size. Thanks,
FBCG, for a great experience.
John W Parr |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Apr 17 23:16:49 2008 |
Comment: my father
entered the competition in the year 1939,
he didn't win, but the design was liked
and further it was built in the year 1943.
He kept record of it since 1981. He is now
102. And has been trying to track it down.
Last he heard that the coach is in UK. Help
me in tracking it down.
Dennis Heppner |
Country: USA |
Date: Fri Jan 18 09:21:42 2008 |
Comment: I entered
the contest from 1962-1968. I won the junior
divisional award in 1963 went to Detriot
that summer. My last year was 1968 and I
started my nephew out that year when he
was 11. We both won first place in the Montana
state division only to find the contest
was ceasing its program. He became a mechanical
engineer and I have often wondered what
his career would have been had the contest
stayed in place.
Vevurka |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Dec 27 08:42:32 2007 |
Comment: My father
Simon W Vevurka entered in the FBCG Contest
1937. Thereabouts made a coach and when
it was shipped the axle broke. He got honorable
mention. Last I knew the coach ended up
in Oregon or Washington State with old relatives.
He had no idea where it went. He has passed
away but recently I obtained an old kit
and would like to rebuild a legacy. If you
can research anything about him it would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
842 White Memorial Church Rd, Willow Spring,
NC 27592
Phone: 919-524-3511
Snyder |
Country: |
Date: Mon Dec 10 10:36:06 2007 |
Comment: In 1931,
my father, Harold Snyder, entered the contest
and placed first in interior design and
2nd overall in Ohio. I have inherited the
coach and was looking for info and was intrigued
by your book. Is it still available?
Address: 3236 S 100 W, Hartford City, IN
Phone: 765-348-2215
Olson |
Country: |
Date: Tue Nov 27 04:21:50 2007 |
Comment: Do you
know anything about a motion picture file
that was supposed to be intended for exhibition
in schools to help with enrollment campaign.
(1947). The reason I ask is I am currently
working on a project for my grandfather
who went to the convention in 1946 to Detroit.
I have pictures from it that I am putting
into a scrapbook but I was wondering if
it ever went to print and if there was any
way to possible get a copy of it.
Add: PO BOX 973, Emmett. ID 83617
Ph: 208-230-1114
L Biggar |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Nov 18 10:14:37 2007 |
Comment: Am sending
photos of car entered in 1953+/- entry (won
2nd place in Iowa).
Address: 4400 W Pine St, Appleton WI 54914
Phone: 920 7393144
R. Young |
Country: |
Date: Mon Nov 17 10:39:17 2007 |
Comment: My father,
William H. Young, was one of three finalists
in 1932. I still have the miniature carriage
and it is in excellent shape. Just thought
you might be interested if you archive such
Address: 87 Grassy Knob Ct., Jasper, Ga.
Phone: 706-692-4002
A. Becker |
Country: USA |
Date: Fri Nov 7 11:04:48 2007 |
Comment: I am proud
to have the coach built for the 1937 competition
by my father, Robert A. Becker of Indianapolis
IN. This coach won 1st State of Indiana
and remains in excellent condition to this
day. Robert graduated from Purdue U and
worked at Allison Div GM for 32 years. We
are setting up a traveling display to accompany
us at AACA & Buick Club meets as so
little is known of the FBCG and its history.
Excellent book!
Staton |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Oct 16 05:11:11 2007
Comment: My
Brother entered the Fisher Body Contest
in the early 1960's and received special
recommendations. He did not attend
GMI because he could not find a sponsor.
I hear that his car was built into
a concept vehicle and is still on
display somewhere ...the Amerigo??
His name is William G. Staton. How
can I find information regarding my
search. Phone: 5176272554
Mock |
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Oct 10 11:21:37 2007
Comment: I
have 4 Napoleonic coach paper cut
out kits and would like to know what
they are worth so I know what to do
with them, should I donate them to
goodwill? Thanks.
1225 Meadow Dr, Molalla, OR 97038.
Ph: 5038291340
Barbee |
Country: |
Date: Mon Sep 17 23:18:59 2007
Comment: Hello,
Came across your book and information
online, and would like to know if
theres any way to determine the person
or persons who made a particular coach
for the guild? I have a Coach and
plans, and have flirted with the idea
of selling it, but would like to find
out as much information about the
piece as I can so I can accurately
describe it. If you know of any particular
way to identify the maker or makers
of a particular coach (Napoleonic)
please advise at your earliest convenience.
Todd Barbee
Kjellman |
Country: |
Date: Thu Sep 13 21:32:13 2007
Comment: Thank
you John for the mailing. I was quite
surprised to hear about FisherGuild.com.
I'm wondering to what extent you have
been able to compile a directory of
Guildsmen. What a wonderful program
it was! It profoundly changed my life.
I was in '59, '60, '61, '62, &
'64. My scholarship, however, came
during college from Ford where I later
worked from '67-'72.
Sam 30 Nichols Road, Weare, NH 03281,
Phone: 603-529-8710
W. Hobbensiefken |
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Sep 5 22:03:01 2007
Comment: Hello
Mr. Jacobus: You have an interesting
site. It is good that you keep the
story of the Guild alive.
I am now 73 and remember with pride
the model I built for the compentition
in 1949. Many in my class at Olympia,
Wa. started models, however, I was
the only one to finish one. My model
won 3rd place in the Oregon-Washington
Div. I was 15 at the time.
Through my later work as an adult
I was made an honorary member of SAE.
I still have the model. You may check
out my two websites at
and www.NotOfThisWorldBook.com
With Kind Regards,
Dean W. Hobbensiefken
10885 S.W. Parkwood Ct., Wilsonville,
OR 97070, Phone: 503-970-4617
Webster |
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Sep 5 13:18:47 2007
Comment: I
have the plans and kit for a Napoleonic
Coach for the 1932 Fisher Body Craftsman's
Guild contest. Also have a letter
to my father (at age 16) from the
contest informing him that final mailing
instructions would only be sent to
those building a model for the contest.
There are instructions for building
a box to ship the model. An impressive
plans and instructions manual is included.
Looking for value of this. Willing
to sell.
Ratch |
Country: Canada |
Date: Fri Aug 31 03:54:50 2007
Comment: Would
you have a listing of when certain
people won the Bodies by Fisher college
scholarship? I have recently accessioned
a coach that won second place in the
contest sometime in the 1930s. However,
I do not know when. The gentleman's
name was Stewart Hale of Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan (Canada). I am told he
won in the early 1930s.
Reynolds-Alberta Museum
P.O. Box 6360, Wetaskiwin, AB, T9A
Phone: 780-361-1351
Larson |
Country: |
Date: Wed Aug 8 11:32:15 2007
Comment: This
is going to sound strange, but please
bear with me.
My parents found a wallet belonging
to a member of The Fisher Body Craftsman's
Guild. His name is Welf H. Heick.
I'm trying to find his family so I
can return his wallet, it has family
pictures in it, etc. Do you have any
records of this man? He has a dollar
bill in said wallet dated 1938.
Cunningham |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Jul 19 17:41:09 2007 |
Comment: I
have a set of plans for the coach
with amazing plates along with issues
of the Guildsman- V. 1 No. 1-4; V.
2 No. 1-4 (1934-35) for sale on eBay.
Moyer |
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Jul 15 07:32:24 2007
Comment: My
Uncle (Paul Rempp) entered in 1931
and 1932. His coach won PA 1st Senior
Award in '32. I have been collecting
the early issues of the Guildsman
magazine but cannot determined exactly
how many issues of the original (Coach
years) magazines there were. Vol 1
, No. 1 was April 1934 and the last
last issue I have seen was Vol 2,
No 4 Jul/Aug 1935 - were there others
after that but before WWII?
Mytar |
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Jun 10 20:04:23 2007
Comment: Heard
of your book via a mailing. Please
call me. I graduated Art Center 71,
started teaching there in 72, entered
FBCG in 62, 63, 65.
Randy Mytar
3925 Sepulveda Blvd., Sherman Oaks
CA 91403
Ph: 818 789 7719
L. De Fazio |
Country: |
Date: Thu Jun 7 22:40:45 2007
Comment: JLJ
Promo Letter received, and I thank
you for it. I look forward to buying
the book. I recall several of the
"player" contributors to
the book from the 1950's.
I had been at Detroit in 1956 and
1958 (Regionals), and took a FBCG
Styling Scholarship in 1960. It is
truly sad that GM can no longer afford
to offer this contest. You have done
us a service by documenting the FBCG
contest and its era.
Calamai |
Country: |
Date: Wed May 30 21:53:32 2007
Comment: Might
be a wild search but my father built
a Napoleonic coach and won a Fisher
Body Guild award for it. The award
is dated July 2 1931 or it could be
1937. His name was Henry Calamai.
I have been trying to research this
with limited success. Any help would
be appreciated.
Wehrman (Homepage) |
Country: USA |
Date: Fri May 4 12:55:41 2007
Comment: This
is a great book and personal record.
I (and my brother Ken) were both Guild
scholarship winners. We ended up as
graphic designers (and I an illustrator)
due in great part to the skill, discipline
and recognition received through participating
in a great American crafts movement.
Thanks for chronicling the history
of the FBCG.
L. Jacobus |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Apr 19 11:01:56 2007
Comment: 4/19/07
Thank you to all my new book purchasers:
Walter Miller (AutoLit); Sharon McLellan
& Mona Nath (Automotive Chronicles);
Clarkson Univ. Library; Memorial Univ.
Library; Raymond P.Wykes ('53); Wilfred
C.Keagy ('53); Rick Eccli (WY Vintage
Tin); Anthony 'Tony' Caracciolo ('55);
James P. Barnett ('63); Antonio 'Tony'
Marmela ('53); Tom Wentland; Nick
Rossi ('58)and Mark Jones. Best regards
from John L. Jacobus.
Arkeder |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Apr 17 02:55:14 2007 |
Comment: Joseph
Arkeder was fascinated with design
from an early age. As the son and
grandson of General Motors employees,
Joseph inherited a fascination with
the automobile. As a youth he enrolled
in the Fisher Body Craftsmen's Guild,
a General Motors program for young
designers. It was here that he first
developed his model making skills
and appreciation of three dimensional
(3D) design. Arkeder states: "Design
should be timeless, incorporating
the best of the past while looking
toward the future."
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Apr 5 10:02:14 2007
Comment: The
site looks great! Thanks for all your
help (past, present and future!)
Rice |
Country: USA |
Date: Sat Feb 24 12:28:44 2007
Comment: Good
day I won Ore. state awards from 54,
55, 56, 57. Then went to Art Center
as a design major.
I have just restored the two I have
and wondered if any en***y might have
any photos of the Ore. state winners
for 54 and 55. Thank you in advance.
Richard Rice
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Jan 29 17:59:06 2007
Comment: 1-30-07
Thank you to more Guild book purchasers:
Western Carolina Univ; Gerald &
Wanda Quesnell; Marian Bakken; Tom
& Margaret Covert (1962 nat'l
scholarship); Geoffrey R. Hacker,Ph.D
(El Tiburon); Prof. Newell G. Bringhurst
('60 Styling Scholar- ship); James
S. Toothman('32 coach builder, First
state WV); Everett M Schenk ('31 regional
coach builder VT) Andrew/Sharon, Emily/Danny
Cooper; *** E. Eairheart. Best from
John L. Jacobus
Merz |
Country: U.S.A. |
Date: Wed Jan 3 03:49:24 2007
Comment: John,
it was great to meet and have you
speak at our meeting. Everyone had
a good time. I was glad to see that
you enjoyed our breakfst club meeting
that followed. I am also glad that
your book is selling! I am sure that
selling books makes all the hard work
worth it. I was happy to make your
aquaintance. Good luck with the book
and drop me a line form time to time
would you!
Bill Merz,secretary of the Jersey
Shore Model Car Club, Brick ,N.J.
Name: Thomas
W. Smith |
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Dec 31
14:27:43 2006 |
Comment: My
father from Cleveland Ohio William
L. Smith participated and won 1st
place back in the 1930's. I still
have the coach and documentation regarding
competition. any other information
or interest, would be of interest
to my family.
Name: John
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Dec 31
12:47:04 2006 |
Comment: Happy
New Year 01/01/07 Many thanks to FBCG
book buyers: Green Cty Public Library(OH),
Columbia-Greene Community College
(SUNY),Bill&Thelma MacDonald,
Raymond P.Wykes (top '53 nat'l winner),
Fred Lentz, James Kutza, Ron Dickson
(Guildsman) Thank you FBCG book dealers:
Amazon (USA, Canada, UK, France &
Japan), Barnes&Noble, Abebooks,
Abebooks.co.uk, Alibris, Wal*Mart,
Ebay, ScaleModel.NET BookStore, Tower
Records, Sinclair Mini Autos, Motorbooks.co.uk,
etc. John L. Jacobus.
Name: Grant
Louis Onnie |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Dec 11
14:00:45 2006 |
Comment: Dear
I was the 1st place national winner
in the senior division of the Guild
for 1968 (the last year of the guild
contest). I was a highschool senior
at the time and was devoted to my
model car to the extent that I missed
my senior prom.
Kudos to the author of the book about
the guild. His work is as meticulous
as most of the cars that I saw back
in the day.
If there are any guild members from
the sixties who want to send an email
note it would be nice. Si
Name: John
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Dec 10
06:30:07 2006 |
Comment: 12-10-06
Many thanks and much appreciation
to the following folks for purchasing
the FBCG book: Hal Chaffee of Model
Builders, Inc. of Chicago; Chipola
Community College, Marianna,Fl; Richard
W.Benz and his father B.W.Benz; Mahlon
V.R. 'Van' Freeman (47R); James G.
Safranek; Daniel Megard (amazon buyer);
Howard J. Assel (1949 nat'l winner),
Bonner Griner (1963 styling award
winner) Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to you all. Thank you. John
L. Jacobus
Name: John
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Sep 24
20:17:43 2006 |
Comment: 9-24-06
New buyers of FBCG book: Vancouver
Public Library; CAL State Univ Northridge;
Paul McConnell, Encinitas CA; Richard
W.Smith,Oakland CA; Andrew Bastone,Granville,
OH; Richard Strauss,Palm City, FL;
Anthony M. Ballein,Los Alamitos CA;
Carl E. Lunstrom,Marietta GA; Yin
Yeh,Jen Yeh & Elizabeth T. Yeh,
Davis CA; Rick Armiger, Balto. MD;
John Erskine, Wasilla Alaska; Robert
T. Eskridge, Boca Raton FL; Tom Hibschman,
Kittery Point ME. Thank you from John
Jacobus, McFarland Author.
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Aug 7 19:06:27 2006
Comment: 8-07-06
NEW FBCG book buys/reviews: David
Sinclair, Sinclair Mini Autos; Mike
Barricks( '55);Adrian Bruno( '55);
Ohio State U. Lib(LOC-TL235.J34 2005);
South Plains Comm Coll. Lib. Levelland,
TX, Northern ME Comm.Coll.Lib., Presque
Isle; U Nevada @ Las Vegas Lib., Northhampton
Comm. Coll. Bethlehem PA; Oakland
Comm Coll. Detroit ; "Rebirthing Simpson's
Vision" & The Jalopy Journal bloggers
& No thk U Scott Aho, MN Street
Rodder's Assoc. for your no-bull review.
I thank you all. John L/Jacob
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Aug 7 19:02:12 2006
Comment: 8-07-06
NEW FBCG book buys/reviews: David
Sinclair, Sinclair Mini Autos; Mike
Barricks('55);Adrian Bruno('55);Ohio
State U. Lib(LOC-TL235.J34 2005);
South Plains Comm Coll. Lib. Levelland,
TX, Northern ME Comm.Coll.Lib., Presque
Isle; U Nevada @ Las Vegas Lib., Northhampton
Comm. Coll. Bethlehem PA; Oakland
Comm Coll. Detroi; "Rebirthing Simpson's
Vision" & The Jalopy Journal.com
blogs & No thank you to Scott
Aho, Minn. Street Rod Assoc. for your
no-bull review. I thank you all. John
Sendek |
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Jul 26 12:51:58 2006
Comment: My
Uncle Edward Sendek won this scholarship
in approximately, 1936, 1937. He lived
in Monessen, PA. I have been trying
to locate his coach without any success.
I am a nephew of his. My uncle passed
away almost 30 years ago. If anyone
has any ideas on where I can find
his coach or can help me, I would
greatly appreciate your help.
Bruno |
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Jul 19 15:03:04 2006
Comment: 1955
Junior Division 2nd National winner
from Rochester, NY. Still working
in new product design and development
in the Chicago area.
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Fri Jun 30 17:36:21 2006
Comment: 6-30-06
More purhcases of your FBCG book:
God Bless all 5 campuses of Oakland
Community College (OCC) in the Detroit
Metro area; Brett C. Snyder (Del Ray
Be.FL); Bill Merz/John Stark(NJ Shore
Modelers club); Rick Armiger(Balto.);Charles
Foreman(Dallas TX); Ed Lawson; Dave
Klocke (KY); Samuel R Engle(CA); Shannon
Flowers of Wood Carving Illustrated;
see my online ads in "Toy Cars &
Models," Krause Pubs,& "Scale
Auto" & "Fine Scale Modeler" @
Kalmbach. Happy 4th July John Jacobus
Name: Charles
Foreman |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon May 29
17:49:39 2006 |
Comment: I
purchased your book last year and
enjoyed it very much. I was so glad
someone had finally documented the
history of the Guild. I entered the
FBCG competition four times, 1950
through 1954, and won Junior Regional
(Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona)and
a trip to Detroit in 1952. I still
have my car models. I worked for Vought
Aircraft in Dallas for 39 years as
an aircraft structural engineer, and
recently retired.
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: U.S.A. |
Date: Sun May 14 06:51:01 2006
Comment: May
14, 2006 Thank you FBCG book purchasers:
McPherson College Library, McPher,KS;
Pat Chappell, Chevy Club of Amer,
Wilming. DE; Robert J. Oberlander,
David Fridberg (1968 HM),Herndon VA;
Roger Lachele (GMI grad.), Dallas,
TX; Robert T. Eskridge ('46R,'47R,'48R),Baton
Raton FL; Chad @ MD Auto Modeler's
Assoc;, Tom Hibschman ('62,'63,'64,'65)
Maine, Rafael Steinbach (New York
City), Steve Purdy,Detroit Editor,www.The
AutoChannel.com. R=regional winner.
Sincerely, John L. Jacobus, McF Author
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Fri Apr 21 09:03:44 2006
Comment: April
21, 2006 Many thanks to the following
new purchasers of your FBCG Reunion
book: Grant Garrison, Joseph Constantino,
Dick Groenheide (Dad's Hobby Shop),
San Diego State Univ Library, Mardigian
Library @ UM-Dearborn Campus, Mansfield
Library @ Ohio State Univ., David
JKlocke, Mark SGustavson, E. Illinois
Univ Library, James D. Dickey, Hemmings
Motor Books, YBP Community College
Ctr, Motor Books UK, Tatoo Books Book
Store, GoHastings.com, Best regards
John Jacobus, McFarland Author
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Apr 11 08:40:37 2006
Comment: April
11-06 Thank you to the following periodicals
4 endorse/review/coverage: Old Cars
8/05; www.AutomotiveChronicles.com
10/05, 2/06; CruZ'n' magazine 11&12/05
by Al Drake; The Flying Lady 1&2
2006; Car and Driver, 3/06 by Patrick
Bedard; Choice 3/06, book reviews
for academic libraries. Also,I thank
the Editors of Cars and Parts, Collectible
Automobile and Hemmings Classic Car
magazines for their pop coverage &
remembering the Fisher-Guild. John
L Jacobus, McFarland Author, Guildsman
J |
Country: U..S.A. |
Date: Fri Mar 17 11:45:09 2006
Comment: I
recently came across a copy of your
book and found it interesting. It's
too bad the competition no longer
exists. It would be a great way of
getting young people involved in someting
productive rather than playing video
games all the time. Wouldn't it be
great if the folks at Hot Wheels or
Matchbox or some other diecast company
were to make diecast version of some
of the cars that won over the years.
Oh well, wishfull thinking I suppose.
Take care.
Lawson |
Country: USA |
Date: Sat Mar 4 14:30:01 2006
Comment: I
won 3 state competitions in 1957,
1958, and 1959. Won 3rd place in natitional
competition and a scholarship which
I used to attend the Art Center in
Los Angeles. I feel very fortunate
to have had this opportunity in my
life and share the experience with
many other talented fellows.
Klocke |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Feb 23 13:38:14 2006
Comment: I
won state awards in 1949 and 1950
from Kentucky and then regional awards
in 1951 and 1952. My wife gave me
the book for Christmas and I hope
there is a future opportinity for
me to reconnect with the community.
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Feb 7 07:05:17 2006
Comment: 2-07-06
Many thanks to the NEW purhasers of
your Fisher-Guild book: Jerry Turner,
Skippy Geear, H. John Hambrock III,
Frank Levering & Wanda Urbanska,
North Carolina SU D.H. Library, Southern
Utah Univ. Library, Norman Veber,
Ralph Schreiber, Joel Piaskowski,
Michael Capizola, Charles Costello,
Peggy Whitman, Allen Weideman, d G.
Swanburg & Gary P. Card. Be sure
to read Patrick Bedard's Fisher Guild
book review in "Car and Driver" magazine
March, 2006 issue page 27. John L
Jacobus Author
P. Card |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Jan 31 10:46:45 2006
Comment: I
was fortunate to win several state
awards from Rhode Island in the 1960s,
after the Simone Brothers era. I'm
pleased to say that my experience
in the FBCG taught me to persevere
with difficult tasks, always give
my best effort, and to sweat the details.
In 1999 it was a thrill for me to
meet Mr. Chuck Jordan at the Monterrey
Historic Auto Races and discuss the
FBCG with him. I'm delighted that
the FBCG has not become a forgotten
piece of automotive history!
Name: John
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: U.S.A. |
Date: Wed Dec 28
21:09:51 2005 |
Comment: 12-28-05
Many thanks to folks who ordered the
new Guild book recently including
Barry E.Herr, Author James Farrell,
Leo Brereton, Rino S.Conti, Gail C.Hammond,
John M.Sparnicht, Gordon Williams,
Charles Devrick, Emmett E.Day, Glenn
F.Benge, Julie L.Long, David Jacobus,
Chris Jacobus, Richard Jacobus, Janis
O'Connor, & Walter Miller with
repeat orders Ron Pellman, Allen Weideman
and Terry P.Garboski. To be cont'd.
Many, Many Thanks from John Jacobus,
McF Author
Name: John
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Dec 28
20:53:44 2005 |
Comment: 12-28-05
Many thanks to new folks who ordered
the Guild book: Bill Porter, Robin
Norton, Lloyd G. Swanburg, Galt S.Bowen,
Leonard C.Bellanca, Kristen Jamison,
Caulfield Libr. Monash Univ., Jerry
Turner, Charles Costello, Washington
Times' Bill O'Brien, James W. Stengle,
Henry Huizenga, George G. Herzog,
Oskar Heininger, John H. Rudolph,
Darwin Hawthorne, Robert Vahscoltz,
Car & Driver's Patrick Bedard,
James L Garner, Tony Ciminera, Joe
Arnold, Warren Bakken, Gordon A. Bertrand
(cont'd above
Name: Jeff
Jones |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Dec 15
10:06:23 2005 |
Comment: I
have the book and it is wonerful.
Just wish there were more picutres!
In that vein, how about putting a
page on this site for us members to
psot pictures of our old entires.
I never tire of looking at FBCG cars.
I entered 5 cars from '63 thru '67
and did not win any awards. I am humbled
by you who won multiple times! Am
in the process of restroing my cars.
Have one finished and one about half
Country: USA |
Date: Fri Nov 11 12:38:23 2005
Comment: I
was very disappointed that I missed
the reunion, but I am pleased it was
recorded. I would liked to have visited
with Ron Will, Chuck Pelley and others
from the senior class of 1961. Please
contact me for future activities
Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Nov 2 06:21:17 2005
Comment: Nov02,2005
Cont'ed. UPDATE my thanks and appreciation
to these additional buyers of the
Fisher-Guild book: Bruce C. Spinney,
J. Bud Steinhilber, Florence Stolman,
U of Alberta, Hampton C. Wayt, Randal
L. Wiginton, Robin B. Wilson, and
Steve L. Wolken. Sincerely John L
Jacobus, McFarland Author
Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Nov 2 06:10:56 2005
Comment: Nov
02, 2005 UPDATE: Many thanks and much
appreciation to these NEW BUYERS of
Fisher-Guild book: W.M.Bakken, D.Bibler,
B.Blackburn, P.F.Bonfilio, D.Bornemeier
Ph.D, J.W.D'Mura, G.Gadda, T.Goad,
U.David, S.T.Denek, John & Stella,
Marie & Johnnie Jendza III, J.A.Jones,
W.Keyser, J. Kniss, S.Levy, J.L.Long,
R.H. Oetting, W.A.Ogram, Old Dominion
U Lib., V.J.Rauth, BE.Ray, M.R. Redick,
H.F. Rom, E. Russ Russinoff, L.T.
Schiffer, F.A.Sharf, A.V.Simone, E.Simone,
G.A.Simone(Cont'd above) John Jacobus
Bornemeier |
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Oct 16 16:22:12 2005
Comment: I
won a couple of trips to Detroit as
Regional (Nebraska, South Dakota,
and North Dakota) Junior winner in
1951 and Senior winner in 1952. Went
on to a career in physics. Still have
the models somewhere.
Jacobus (Homepage) |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Oct 10 19:06:14 2005
Comment: 10-10-5
Thanks to more Fisher-Guild purchasers;
RG McClellan, Mike & Richard Pietruska,
Rich Benz, TW Metcalfe, R.Boyer, PG
Wiinikka, D Hoeft, WG Henderson, Ted
Becker, RD Teter, Bob Sirna, Jack
Given, Doug Young, PF Lieske, S. Derezinski,
Art Russell, the 3 Simone brothers,
Peggy Whitman, JM Mellberg, John F
Marsh, RC McLellan, Jim Louton, Larry
P. Fisher II, & Norm Metivier.
Many thanks from John Jacobus, McFarland
Jacobus (Homepage) |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Oct 10 18:54:06 2005
Comment: 10-10-05
A few Guild Book purchasers; JB Goldstein,
LaMont Kucker, W. Marks, JE Pryor,
DP Hronek, AM Mandel, B Fitzpatrick,
L Pergander, A. Joslin, ED Solarz,
L. Peiffer, Bud Magaldi, Glen Wintershceidt,
Jerry "G" Grunstad, Paul Richardson,
John S. Smith, Bob Davids, Jim Sponseller,
Gene T. Izuno, Richard Wehrman, DW
Jacobus, S. Peirce, G. Auguste, Ron
Pellman, GR Chartier, "Stanton," T
Jakups, LeRoy Cole, Tom Brownell,
Joe Freeman, Paul Lashbrook, Steve
Wilson. Sincerely John Jacobus
Jacobus (Homepage) |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Oct 10 18:42:29 2005
Comment: October
10, 2005 Dear Guild Enthusiasts; Thank
You to the many Fisher-Guild book
purchasers; CM Jordan, VM Exner, Jr.,
RC Hill, R Shackleton, Don Tilly,
Bud Steinhilber, Tony Mazzola, Don
Mayton, Charlie Stewart, George Anderson,
DA little, KG Saylor, Mike Lamm, G
Wickersham, GP Morris, KA Kelly, Tom
& Terry Graboski, Jim White, JD
Marasa, Spencer Mackay,GB camp. JW
Karsnick, John Rolls, SB Shuster,
HE Schoepf, KJ Dowd, RJ Will, Gib
McArdle, AT Weideman, (Cont'd above)
John Jacobus
Francis Marsh (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Sat Oct 1 16:40:02 2005
Comment: Just
got my long ordered copy! GREAT, Love
the adding of the color section. I
am the John Marsh in the Galen Wickersham's
story P.167. Besides the life of a
Industrial Designer I have been Fine
Art Painting and have 4or5 Guild paintings.
The latest was on show at Pebble Beach
in August. 2-1st,1-2nd&1-3rd Conn.1950,51,52&53
FBCG winner. ACS 1956-59 BFA, EX GM.
Name: Mike
Steed (Homepage) |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Sep 26
18:14:32 2005 |
Comment: I
competed in the last two years, junior
division. Currently at Hewlett-Packard
in the inkjet business.
Name: Norman
Metivier |
Country: United
States |
Date: Wed Aug 31
15:59:46 2005 |
Comment: I
am the 1947 New Hampshire State senior
winner Fisher Body Craftmans Guild
and then the 1948 Regional winner
Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
At the time living, born, and raised
in the northern-most city of Berlin,
Name: Bob
Guckenberger |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Aug 23
11:30:18 2005 |
Comment: I
first saw the '53 Corvette at The
Steel Pier in Atlantic City. My dad
saw how taken I was and said "If you
win a scholarship to college, I 'll
buy you one. " My algebra grades precluded
an academic scholarship, but I had
seen an ad in Popular Science for
the Guild saying they were awarding
scholarships for design. This was
the path to my Corvette! I entered
a car in the 1954 competition and
won a 1st state prize for NY. No Corvette,
but it was a great experience!
Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Sat Aug 20 08:50:57 2005
Comment: Dear
Guild Enthusiasts, 8-16-05 UREKA!
A 2 pounder. The Fisher-Guild Book
was printed and has been released
as of today Tuesday 8-16-05. The book
is for sale at McFarland. I have copies
of the book and it's a real "beauty."
The packaging was magnificent and
superb by McF. 171 photos w/ 41 color
images, 330 pages and 130,000 words.
7" X 10" & 2 pounds of nostalgia.
I am very proud of it and I hope you
too will like it. Supplies are limited
and sales are rolling in. Regards,John
G. Swanburg |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Jul 7 22:13:43 2005
Comment: I
became a member of the Guild back
in the 1950s, from New Hampshire;
began a clay model, got quite far
along but never quite finished it.
I recently stumbled upon my FISHER
card and just did a search on the
Internet. What memories are flowing
back. I used to draw car designs back
then, and still have some of them.
Happy to learn there's a book forthcoming!
Metcalfe (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Jun 23 11:08:05 2005
Comment: New
York State, 1st 1961 with another
1st prior to it and an honorable mention
before that. I'm an architect, but
currently I'm working on a new technology
for transportation that could be here
some day. If it is workable, it will
have very significant improvements.
I recall a GM designer telling me
at the awards week, as I showed the
several energy efficient & racing
ideas in my model, that energy efficincy
or racing are no concern in sales
marketing. How times change!
F Sorensen |
Country: USA |
Date: Wed Jun 1 12:45:53 2005
Comment: Illinois
Honorable Mention 1949/1950. Would
like to hear from other FisherGuild
L. Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Thu May 26 09:21:30 2005
Comment: Dear
Guild Enthusiasts, Book Production
UPDATE May 26, 2005 - McF has 41 color
images in the Guild book; miniature
model coaches, scale model "dream
cars" & Vince Rauth, Chuck Jordan
and Robert Cadaret. There will be
121 B&W period-vintage photos
and 8 illustrations. 350 pages and
130,000 words. I'm working the INDEX
now, the final piece in the production
process. There will be a two month
printing period. I estimate an August
2005 Availablity Date. Sincerely,
John Jacobus
E.Pryor, Jr. |
Country: United States |
Date: Tue Apr 5 21:03:59 2005
Comment: Ihave
ordered the book and am waiting for
the publishing thereof. I was the
first place winner in SC in 1931,
Jnior Division and in 1932 and in
1932 and 1933, I was the senior winner
in SC and enjoyed to trips to Detroit
and one to the 1933 Worlds fair in
Jacobus (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Fri Apr 1 07:43:57 2005
Comment: Dear
Guildsmen & Book Enthusiasts,
4-01-05 I just recently reviewed 360
+ McFarland Galley Pages for "the
book" & they did an excellent
job of editing,layout and design.
I think you'll be very proud of the
final product which promises to be
a technical book with 170 images in
the offing. The possiblity of a color
insert with the best guild color digital
images is on the table (sur la table).
A review of the final Galley Proof
Pages is next. John Jacobus, Author
Caracciolo |
Country: USA |
Date: Thu Feb 17 11:52:00 2005
Comment: I
am the 1955 Junior 3rd place National
$2000 Scholarship winner.
Mastbrook |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Feb 15 21:36:12 2005
Comment: Re:
Galen Wickersham. Is he the same one
that went to Kramer Jr. High in D.C.
in Mrs. Irvin's home room class. We
used to laugh about her mustache.
Galen ecouraged me to run against
the boys on the Jr. High track team
in my street clothes. I beat them
and ran track in Fla and Ga and did
I remember his father was the Rep.
from OK.
If I have the right person, please
pass this along.
Jack Mastbroo
Torrance Ca
#CC0000 |
Country: U.S.A. |
Date: Sat Dec 18 13:26:50 2004
Comment: Looking
forward to ordering "The Book" I was
fortunate enough to be at the reunion,
and to be able to design and build
five cars. One Honorable mention,
one Third state, one First State,
and one First State, Regional and
Styling. It was a great experience,
and like many others lead to a career
(32.5years) as a Designer with Ford
Motor Co. The reunion was great,and
it was fun to see some of my fellow
Guildsmen and friends from the small
but talented Design Fraternity.
Stevko |
Country: |
Date: Wed Dec 15 20:41:00 2004
Comment: my
father was martin stevko I remember
a book of drawings if any one has
a info I would like it very mush dad
has been dead 18 years now thank you
Young |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Sep 6 20:41:10 2004
Comment: I
entered the contest four times and
received First State in North Dakota.
I believe in 1959.
I am looking forward to buying the
Tilley |
Country: |
Date: Fri Aug 13 09:36:44 2004
Comment: Got
an "Honorable Mention" in Illinois
in 1952, which may have helped getting
into GMI in 1953, which led to an
interesting career in engineering.
Purdy (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Jun 15 13:21:22 2004
Comment: Good
Afternoon, Mr. Jacobus. I just garnered
an assignment from Collectable Automobile
to do a feature article on the upcoming
reunion of the Fisher Guild at Eyes
On Design. John Mellberg gave me your
website address as a resource. Sounds
like a great and interesting project
- writing the book, that is. Good
Luck! Will you be attending the events
in Michigan?
J. Derezinski (Homepage) |
Country: USA |
Date: Tue May 4 06:00:11 2004
Comment: I
entered the competition a number of
years in the state of Michigan. I
won third place in the state in 1957
with a model that closely resembles
the split grille that became the hallmark
of Pontiac in 1959.
RonPellman |
Country: USA |
Date: Sat Mar 6 12:55:24 2004
Comment: Looking
forward to the reunion this June.
Dowd |
Country: USA |
Date: Mon Mar 1 14:40:20 2004
Comment: I
always knew my brother Ken Dowd had
Simone |
Country: Indonesia |
Date: Mon Mar 1 04:54:49 2004
Comment: Can't
wait to see and meet everyone in June...
and to view this site... a dream come
true... Tony Simone
F. Marks |
Country: USA |
Date: Sun Feb 29 16:03:01 2004
Comment: This
book has made it so all the winners
can know each other after GM dropped
the contest. I've discovered I worked
for years with people who also won
and they never mentioned it.
reviews of John L. Jacobus' book: |