WHAT: A "once-in-a-lifetime,"
nostalgic educational Retrospective and
Exhibition of some thirty (30) National
and Styling Scholarship award winning models,
as well as some thirty (30) State &
Regional Award winning models - never seen
before by the public. See some exquisite
examples of the top award winning 1/12 scale,
"Dream Car" models made by Harley
J Earl's Guildsmen, which have been groomed
especially for you to see and enjoy.
Sculpted, fiberglass
student model (front view shown) made
by Samuel T. Kjellman, 1962 - 2nd state
winner, $100 Award, Senior Division,
originally from Henniker NH. |
A two-day look at the results
of General Motors' infamous 50's / 60' industrial
arts program, called on the street by the
name Fisher Body Design Contest
[formally called Fisher Body Craftsman's
Guild (1930-1968)]. A 1/12 scale
[1"=1'] model-rama in honor of GM's
100th Centennial Birthday (9/16/08). Also,
remembering Harley J. Earl, V.P. GM Styling
(1940-1958) and his cadre of aspiring student
auto designers (his Disciples) many who
became GM's, and the Auto Industry's, 2nd
Generation Design Directors, Executives
and auto design talent.
Sat, August 9, 2008 - 11 AM to 2 PM
Sun, August 10, 2008 - 12 noon to 2.30 PM
WHERE: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
MA 02115. Located: 465 Huntington
Avenue (Avenue of the Arts) Boston 02115.
General Info Phone 617-267-9300; TTY: 617-267-9703,
Take MBTA Green Branch, "E" Heath
Street Subway train Outbound to the MFA
Subway Stop (See www.mbta.com.)
MFA Parking Building & Park Lots cost
$22 per day.
West Wing, in the renovated and former Gund
Gallery Gift Shop space (approx. 21"
X 90') above the outdoor Japanese Garden.
DESCRIPTION: 1/12 scale, Model
"Dream Car" Retrospective
representative of the Harley J. Earl auto
design era, with 18 top national
scholarship winner's models; 12 styling
scholarship winner's models; 16 Regional
winner's models; (includes one stunning
1947 Regional Miniature Model Napoleonic
Coach; like those made for the FBCG model
design competition 1930 to 1947); and 14
state winner's models - for some 60 models
total. Meet the winning Guildsmen and
see their models; Meet many Guildsmen who
became professional auto designers; Participate
in a public info & education (PI&E)
program and join the discussions about the
Fisher-Guild and automotive design.
your $17 General Admission Fee)
Presented by: the Guildsmen-Exhibitors
themselves will deliver the PI&E program.
Place: Mabel Louise Riley Conference
Room, MFA First Floor near the Cafe.
Times: 4 Shows - 11 AM & 12 Noon
Saturday as well as 12 Noon &
2 PM Sunday.
(good for 10 days) Cameras allowed without
any flash, please! See www.mfa.org.
and see www.fisherguild.com
for further information about the Fisher-Guild
and a unique 2005 McFarland book: "The
Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild: An Illustrated
History," by John L. Jacobus, ISBN
978-0-7864-1719-3. #